In Scott Fitzgerald

In Scott Fitzgerald

In Scott Fitzgerald

Florida’s unemployment rate went from 12 percent to10.6 percent since Gov. scott took office.

He is enrolled in the same health-care plan as all state employees.

Meanwhile, two additional items bring the list of myths to Scott’s favorite number: seven.

No deadline was given for when the final list would be set or how exactly the list would be used.

And “Rick scott doesn’t believe in open government” was extended to “Rick scott doesn’t believe in open government and doesn’t even have an email.”

Among the recent staff tweaks, scott now intends to meet with the editorial boards of every daily newspaper in the state, where initially it was stated he would sit down with just 12.

Since Gov. scott took office in January, Florida’s unemployment rate went down for five straight months and held steady in June. Florida is well on its way to reaching 700,000 jobs in seven years because of Gov. scott passing tax cuts, streamlining state government and beginning the steps necessary to return state government to its core functions and ignite private-sector job growth.

Myth: Rick scott is receiving a salary, special health-care benefits and operating his plane, all at the taxpayers’ expense.

He has reduced the size, scope and cost of government while preserving critical safety nets.

Also used outcome-based budgeting to create efficiency throughout government.

Currently, the pension is 87 percent funded and dropping.

17,900 public-sector jobs have been eliminated since January.

This is why one of his top priorities is making sure the pension is fully funded.